
Attendance statistics for some museums in the canton of Neuchâtel

Annual report Neuchâtel Tourisme (2019 / 2020)

International Watchmaking Museum of La Chaux-de-Fonds (MIH)

Approximately 32’000 visitors per year
25% from the canton of Neuchâtel, 25% from Switzerland, 25% from Europe and 25% from the rest of the world. 15% of visitors are children.
(Source: MIH)

Museum of Art and History Neuchâtel

2018 : 21’184 visitors
2019 : 27’925 visitors
(Sources: Municipal Council of the City of Neuchâtel – Culture Section)

Natural History Museum Neuchâtel

2018 : 37’050 visitors
2019 : 51’221 visitors
(Sources: Municipal Council of the City of Neuchâtel – Culture Section)

Botanical Garden Neuchâtel

2018 : 56’431 visitors
2019 : 65’105 visitors
(Sources: Municipal Council of the City of Neuchâtel – Culture Section)

Laténium, parc et musée d’archéologie

2019: 75’297 visitors
550 guided tours and workshops.
(Source: Laténium)

Attendance statistics of a few regional museums that are managed by associations or foundations.
Various information is gathered on the following page >.

Musée d’histoire du Landeron
Fondation de l’Hôtel de Ville du Landeron

2018: 1’650 visitors
2019: 1’570 visitors

Musée d’art et d’histoire de la Neuveville

2017: 656 visitors
2019: 900 visitors

Maison Blanche (Le Corbusier), La Chaux-de-Fonds

Approximately 4’000 visitors per year

Musée Rousseau, Môtiers

2018: 226 visitors
2019: 347 visitors

Mines d’asphalte, Travers

Approximately 22’000 visitors per year