Budget for the realization of the exhibition
The planning, design and implementation elements will be developed on a voluntary basis by the members of the EspaceTemps association. The realization, production and assembly will be carried out by suppliers. An invitation to tender will be issued after finalizing the design of each room; fundraising will be launched subsequently.
The fundraising will have to cover a budget of CHF 210’000.– and the association will pay CHF 130’000.– through the voluntary work of its members.
Operating budget of the EspaceTemps association
Income of the association
The regular income of the association is the membership fees (in 2020, with 45 members, the total was CHF 2’800.–).
Individual CHF 50.–
Couple CHF 80.–
Student CHF 20.–
Collective CHF 100.–
Support member from CHF 200.–
Life member of the Top Club 1’858 from CHF 1’858.–
Income from the exhibition
Admission tickets
CHF 8.– Adults, CHF 5.– AHV, free for children and students
Guided tours CHF 100.– guide + entrance fee
Books, postcards, objects,…
Special events
Sky observations, workshops, lectures, concerts,…
The exhibition will be open about 80 days a year, from the beginning of March to the end of November, from Saturday to Sunday from 2 to 5 pm and one Friday a month from 8 to 11 pm.
The following budgets are calculated according to different variants:
– Variants with 1’000, 1’500 and 2’000 visitors per year
– Variants with 15, 20 and 25 guided tours per year (with an average of 15 persons per guided tour)
– Entrance fee: CHF 5.– (average between the highest and the lowest price)
– Estimates of the money spent by visitors in the shop; calculations are for CHF 10.– per a visitor on two
– Guardians will be remunerated CHF 30.– per hour, like in the Musée d’histoire in Le Landeron
– Guides for guided tours will be paid CHF 50.– per hour.
Budget without the salaries of guides nor guardians.
These tasks are voluntary.
Budget with the fees of guides and guardians.
From 1’500 visitors per year, we will not need sponsors to support us.
The maintenance costs of the building (heating, electricity and cleaning service) is at the charge, of the owner, the Neuchâtel Canton.