Fun in museum

Claire Casedas – Coach, Sceno, Museo

A Roubaix au cœur de la Sillicon Valley lilloise, j’imagine sous le nom Fun in museum les expos du 21e siècle et des équipements hybrides à mi-chemin entre culture et divertissement. Je conçois le storytelling (muséographie) et le décor (scénographie).

Esprit arty, culture street, berceau de l’industrie et de la mode, je suis à “Brook’Lille” comme un poisson dans l’eau !

15 ans d’expérience dans le monde des musées, en France, en Outre-mer, et à l’international.

Pour des collectivités, des institutions, des marques, des entreprises en BtoB.

67 projets depuis le début de ma carrière, toujours avec le sourire et “l’eye of the tiger” !

New Identity for the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne

link to the full article

The Musée de l’Elysée is continuing its transformation and changing its identity. This is a major turning point in the history of the institution and the fruit of a mature and intense reflection carried out by both the museum teams and the graphic design firm Gavillet & Cie. Obviously, such a revolution is not something that is done on the spur of the moment, knowing how attached the people of Lausanne are to this temple of photography. But the move of the premises to Plateforme 10 has pushed the Elysée to rethink the direction it wanted to take, both on the French-speaking and national scene, but also in terms of its desire to shine internationally.

For the museum is changing dimension by integrating the new arts district alongside the Mudac and the Musée cantonal des beaux-arts (MCBA), and this also involves a rethink of its identity. So… welcome to Photo Elysée! But not so fast. This decision has had time to develop and refine itself over the long term.

New logo designed by Gavillet & Cie