“The museum is important for those who go there as it allows them to distinguish themselves from those who do not go there!”
France Culture Radio

On February 21, 1972, to open a series of programs entitled “Museums of Today and Tomorrow”, Jocelyn de Noblet received Pierre Bourdieu, who presented the framework, conclusions and challenges of this fascinating study on museum attendance and its social significance.
In 1966, a study by Pierre Bourdieu and Alain Darbel entitled “L’amour de l’art” was published by “Editions de Minuit”. European art museums and their public. Based on a series of surveys, the purpose was summarized in the conclusion as follows:
If the love of art is indeed the mark of the election separating, as if by an invisible and impassable barrier, those who are touched by it from those who have not received this grace, it is understandable that museums betray, in the smallest details of their morphology and organization, their true function, which is to reinforce in some people the sense of belonging and in others the sense of exclusion.