Designing Advertising | 04–06.04.2019


Teachers: Ignazio Morello, Lucas Conte
Mantra: Sell less teach more

Exercice Who / What / Why for my project
Share fundamental questions of the humanity with the public with scenography and storytelling through a beautiful exhibition ! (around the topic of time)

Golden Circle (Simon Sinek) | USP definition

© Ignazio Morello, Lucas Conte

What do you fight for?
I fight for the knowledge
I fight for the education
I fight for the passion
I fight for the heritage
I fight for the memory

What do you fight against?
I fight against other exhibitionsI fight against ignorance
I fight against knowledge loss

Whom do we fight for or with?
We fight for the public
We fight for the memory / heritage of old scientists / researchers / …

Whom do we fight against?
We fight against other museums

What you fight with?
I fight with scenography, exhibition, knowledge

Rallying cry?
Exhibit fundamental questions

Exercice with my project
Exercice with the project CityWise of Wei-Yi

In the left, the Golden Circle give a new vision of the project, it’s creativ, that’s open.
The word “Agora” (Greek history, meeting point in the village) give quick informations about the topic. We have images and emotions with the last sentence “Our roots are the future” (Rallying cry).

The teachers gave us their feedback on our project by choosing a TV advertising. For me, they chose Montblanc’s advertisement “The beauty of a second” made by Wim Wenders!


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